Hi, I'm Antareep

A full stack web developer, Machine Learning Enthusiast , Student and a passionate Photographer.


Most recent works

Marketing and Sales Management system

A web app based on flask for managing your marketing and sales needs



A Hangman program designed using tkinter module in python.



A clone of the most famous program ever to exist: Notepad re-written fully in Python



Tools and Technologies

Data Science

Machine Learning | Data Analytics

Web Development

Full Stack Developer | UI/UX design


My Journey
Education and Work Experience


CBSE , Grade 12: 91%
2016 - 2022

Vellore Institute Of Techonology

B.Tech CSE, GPA: -
2022 - 2026

About Me

Data Scientist

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Data Scientist

  • I am a rookie when it comes to Machine Learning and Data Science, but it's one of the most promising fields of Computer science. I like the fact that we can train machines to perform certain tasks and in the process helps us understand how the human brain functions . I plan to grow in my career as a data scienctist.

Web Developer

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Web Developer

  • I have been developing and designing websites since i was a 14 y/o kid . I primarily work on developing responsive web-apps built on the MEAN and the MERN stacks . I've also worked with Flask and Django previously and have some experience using MySql as well . As a hobby I also design minimal websites and work on fluid UI/UX designs.

Contact me


Let’s Get in Touch.


Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello !

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